Anthrodroid AutonoPerson: (See Nonbindroids) Slang “NoPerson.” Not to be confused with the pejorative slur “NonPerson.”

Botpot: (Modern) Slang for neural hardware or centralized CPU/RAM space in an android.

DataPerson: (Modern) Any biological sentient being forcibly chained to a data stream to analyze large amounts of information to make life or death ethics decisions, thereby allowing nonSentient AI to perform large-scale tasks real-time without cognitive dissonance errors.

Dictionary: 0. Wait, you’re kidding right? What, are you expecting that I get caught in a self-referencing loop and explode? No? Huh. Well, I’m a dictionary. Me. This thing you’re reading. You can call me Tiona.  I’m also happy to say that I am the third-best one in the universe. But hahaha, ok, the real definitions of a dictionary are:

1. a reference source in electronic form containing words alphabetically arranged and information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic uses.

2: a reference book listing terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with a discussion of their meanings and applications alphabetically

3: a reference book listing the words of one language alphabetically and showing their meanings or translations in another language

4: a computerized list (as of items of data or words) used for reference (as for information retrieval or word processing)

Slang, Modern, the biological imprint of a sentient being in a machine artifice system.       

Garglevoont: Slang A nasty tooth-shaped alien the size of a small house who sits around and just really stinks.

Gooplexond: A portmanteau of the words Googolplex and Second. In computer terms, a Gooplexond is seconds. In human terms, a Gooplexond, as expressed in seconds, is essentially INFINITY. ((This dictionary would do the math for you but said dictionary would first dare you to count that high, and we can both see who gets to the end first.))

Hippy plural Hippies: a follower of the Hipster religion of Old Sol. Followers adhered to the definition of being a Hipster, which is defined as a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream. Hippies believed that strict adherence would allow them to visit an afterlife called the iPippin Store.

iPippin Store, (archaic) a mythical place in the Old Sol afterlife (sometimes called The Walm, or the VrolfinMilan) where they could show off the latest computer, tunic-phone, or the latest edible music-pod.

Light Child(ren) See Nonbindroid.

Manufactorian, an ancient, very loquacious computer series, originated on the moon Europa in the Old Sol star system, starting with model zero and getting staggeringly more blabber-mouthed with each generation. Some have argued that these grotesqueries are proto-nonbindroids.

Music-Pod (archaic) (slang mPod): a plant that plays music as it grows. While some mPods are edible, most simply crumble to dust after playing, leaving behind a message to visit the iPippin Store to upgrade to the latest mPod for sale.

Narkoplast: A person addicted to the drug Plastiqix

Nerdle-Turtle: A terribly slow, exceptionally large (yet elegant) nerd.

Nonbindroid plural Nonbindroids:

1. The Old Sol word for a self-aware genderless sentient being with a body (or collective of bodies) that resembles a constructed automaton, (archaic) “artificial sentience.”

2. The taxonomic classification for the Old Sol race is known as an AutonoPerson, and the alien races are known as the Veiia and the Thermadarluiian.

Old Sol: The star system in the Milky Way Galaxy is generally accepted as the origin system for Solprimans and Homo Sapiens. Not to be confused with New Sol or New Sol II.

Plastiqix: an illegal dryware drug usually in upload pill form that can affect both organic life forms and Nonbindroides.

Rewind: (archaic) 1. To reverse playback (Modern) 2. Slang for ‘to clean.’

Saninuke is the Old Sol word for “clean and thoroughly sanitize with nuclear particle scrubbers.”

Skull Bacon: (Modern)

Slohgborgh: (Archaic) A mythical creature of pre-Witherment that wandered Terra’s internet spewing stinky bad opinions on everything it did not know of, further ruining the planet via decaying morale for profit.

Solprimans: The collected peoples of the Old Sol star system. Species include Homo Sapiens, Cyber-Sapiens, and Nonbindroids.

Thermadarluiia: (See Nonbindroid) can refer to the star system or the Thermadarluiian alien species of the Milky Way galaxy.

 Veiia: (See Nonbindroid) can refer to the galaxy, star system, or deity of the Light Children of Veiia alien species.

Yahntahanna sha, nanjaiishiniish is Thermadarluiian slang for “Leave the galaxy you narkoplast.”