Writing update: Pleasantly pleased with relative speediness of short story rejection from first attempted market—that's not sarcasm or bitterness, they only took a month. That's awesome. Next fiction market I sent out the story to this morning averages eight months. Yikes.
And am I upset with the rejection? Nope. This is like getting back on a bike. ask me how I feel about it after 1000 straight rejections. Then I might be a little bummed. Using http://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/ to track current markets since it's well built and you know, free, which is in my writer's budget.
What this does tell me though is that I'd better get slamming on letting some of those other short stories out, even while editing. I don't like editing, because that makes me doubt myself as a writer far more than rejection slips or the occasional email from my loyal troll. As long as my wife likes my work I know all is not lost. C'est la vie.