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Crisis Notes from the Writer's desk

I can’t get into specifics because of the privacy of others but Sunday a family member suffered a critical mental healh crisis. They were feeling overwhelmed by work, lonely, sad, scared, frustrated, and in their words “all the bad emotions.”  So caregiving for them is my first priority, which means scheduling mental help appointments, driving to said appointments, and dealing with the emotionally and physically taxing sessions (There’s a lot of crying.) As a result I’m emotionally numb once I’m not in crisis-emergency mode. As a result I’m pushing my body very hard so I am very ouch. 

EARLIER in the month my elderly mom falls, breaks her arm, and a few days ago, she falls again. No broken arm this time but she did bruise her leg and neck. I’ve been fairly sick the whole month with GI nonsense from lack of regular meds and switching over to new meds. But obv the scariest thing is the first item. 

Add this to the fact that I’m already like 12K in the red & im shocked I haven’t died from a heart attack or stroke. The anxiety pressure is immense. 

So I really want to thank everyone who reads these posts, reaches out or shares my plight, or stepped up directly and made a tangible contribution. 

If you are just learning about the situation at this point and want to help out a disabled mom and her Indigenous family of 4 survive challenging times, you can do so by sharing these posts, joining my patreon, helping my fundraising efforts at GFM, or chipping in via paypal , Vɘnmⓞ, or CⒶshⒶpp.

lastly, I want to thank you so very much. I love you all.