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Hit me harder

​Original Image by Eric Langley, under creative Commons License. 

Hit me hard enough and you give me the energy to get back up.  That’s what this year’s literary theme seems to be, if there is one. All in all, it’s been one of my hardest years, (but not the hardest) and yet at the same time the sun also rises. It’s a weird sensation, finding my footing and knowing where to go from here. Others might despair, but I smile, because I can still see the everyday joys of living a good life with my family. A “good life” by the way, should not be conflated with “a life of financial wealth” just for the record. 

It helps that I have so many friends who always seem to pop right in to my life at just the right time with a bracing remark or sympathetic ear. Intangible and tangible support  are both welcomed, and humble gratitude is another "theme" of the year.

It’s also a good thing to have thicker skin this year, and a tunnel vision focus on creating, creating, creating. The hardship isn’t in the expectations, it’s in the hours spent with the craft of creating. I am always my biggest obstacle, my number one rival, and paramount reason to keep on fighting.

Existence is a beautiful thing, even at its worst, even when life is trying to drag you down, because even then, there’s always a chance to change things.  And those that think otherwise? Howling winds at the door, keeping the coyotes company. 

Thanks for reading. New stuff coming soon.​

 Take care, until next time.